Thursday, August 31, 2006


not really omega tilt but man, I did tilt. I thought omega tilt sounded kinda cool though :p

Um, I got sucked out on and for some reason it drove me nuts so I decided to isolate the guy everytime he bet and raise his blinds. Didn't go very well =/


rather than being dumb and being down $500, however many BB's that is, I took a good load off someone heads up and crushed another table to actually bring in a PROFIT for the day, if you include rakeback. Sweet ya? I love wpx.

I keep hearing the game at wpx is really tough compared to other sites. My friend was telling me that on he read that one guy who's a 2bb/100 winner at partypoker breaks even at wpx. That makes me feel better about my game then if I can break a profit. Only 1400 hands at WPX but 1.74bb so I'm on a good start :)


I played my friend some razz yesterday for the first time. Man, I got a kick out of it! It took a little awhile to adjust, pocket Qs?! Yes! I! After that razz game, which turned into NL, which I did win :p, we played a game of HORSE, which turned into HORSED, and then back into Horse. horseD? 5card draw, that was kinda fun. I love horse! Hold'em, Omaha, Razz, Stud, Eight or Better (omaha)

I hope during the year we get some home HORSE games going, even if it's like .25/.50 I'd still play. It's nice to be able to play cards when in an environment where you don't have to seriously compete for every single bet. Basically, I can relax and enjoy the game :)

I'm sorry if this post seems drawn out and boring, I wanted to write last night but was too tired. I woke up this morning and for some reason I just don't feel it, also two kids are watching The Incredibles and it's a little distracting :(

Ty for reading everyone, a lot of people have been reading regularly and I appreciate it.

Mikey Song


So on wednesdays, WPX has aces never lose and since my aces lost twice, I got $100 back :)

Bankroll, 2.7k

Which reminds me, I had the weirdest card "rush"??? Yesterday I got a lot of premium hands but lost. I swear I got aces 5x and lost at least out of 2/5 times. I don't get it. But, that's cards, and I'm happy I busted out profit. now to continue and bring in more money! I can't wait to hit 5k and play 5/10!


Monday, August 28, 2006

Almost 1st...Almost.

So close. Soooooooooooo freaking close.

Today I played in the FCP freeroll where you can win a weekend in vegas w/negreanu to play some poker n golf.

I was playing pretty well. Made a few mistakes but man, I was basically cruising towards the final table. On the way, I made one bad call w/a 8,9 and my aces got cracked by QK, thank you mr.turn. But throughout the tourney I stuck with it, quickly rebounded, stuck with my loose approach to tourney poker, and got a nice double up with a 4,2 hand vs someone's QJ.

I believe I entered the final table as 2nd place (130k) and 1st place guy had 139k. I was dealt two pocket pairs which both got outflopped and then I held AA,JJ, and KK, all of which got NO ACTION.

...and then this hand came up.

I'm in the big blind with J6s, UTG limps, UTG+1 limps, everyone folds to me. I push all in for 90k, there was about 12k in the pot.

Uh...he called me with KQ and that took out a big part of my stack.

I ended up losing with a 87 vs KQ hand, I hate KQ. I just don't know how u can call an all in w/KQ, for all your chips!

Really frustrated. I went out in 9th! Ugh. 4 hours of work for nothing. So close yet so far. I think the next time I should really psyche myself up and not worry about the results, rather play more aggressive and put more pressure. I should've taken advantage of how tight people were playing when we just hit the final table. Sick Sick Sick.

At least I know I can play some tourney poker. At least I know...geez. Back to the limit hold'em cash games for me. Maybe some day I'll crack a #1 in an Multi-Table Tournament. ya? ya.

Burnt out for the night. Time for some GLADIATOR.

Goodnight everyone.

Friday, August 25, 2006


My confidence is.......

running high!

I've put in less than 10 hours but as for quality of play in the short handed LHE area, I'm pretty happy. Obviously there is still room for improvement in my play but I think I finally have a solid grip of SHLHE. It's good that I went nearly busto a month ago, it strengthened my LHE game a lot.

for a quick recap:
I lost over 1k in short handed limit, then I proceeded to lose another 1.5 in NL I believe, and then I blew another 1k on blackjack.


Have I learned anything? Some. I'm still going to take risky gambles that I really should stay away from but hey, I like to take risks. Am I going to jeopardize my bankroll again? I should hope not. I'm content with limit hold'em, especially now that I'm playing SHLHE again, so much more exciting than a 10man game. On World Poker Exchange, the tables are 5max, even more action! I'm generating $50-60 in rake and I'm confident that I can beat the game. I have about 1k hands so far and am at -.18bb/100. So I'm not worried at all. In fact, the other day(s), I hit a -600 downswing but I made some of it back and the rest in rake. So am I worried? Far from it. Pretty comfortable in fact. Although I would like to make 2.8k more so I can play some 5/10SHLHE. I've taken a few shots at it and so far I'm not impressed with the play.

I'm really tired, I felt the updated was needed though. As for life outside of poker, it's going well for me :) At least I believe so for now :)


Mikey Song

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Getting Back Into the Groove

I haven't been playing too much poker since I've been back. I think so far I've put about 5 or 6 hours. For this week, I'm focusing on short handed limit hold'em again @ 3/6.

Even though I don't have 500bb, 3k, to play with, I'm just gonna keep taking stabs when my broll is in excess of 1.8k. So basically I can afford to lose 100-150bbs and if necessary, play full ring again to work it back up. I'm very confident of my full ring abilities since that horrible 2 week drought where I couldn't bust a profit for the life of me.

Interesting thing to note:
full ring limit hold'em, 3tables @ 3/6 generates about $30-40 per hour
short handed 3 tables generates about $50-60 in rake.

So if you're a good winning player, u could make about $100 an hour playing 3/6 short handed. geez. Worthy investment.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Whooooooo Home!

man was Mexico fun! It was definitely a much needed vacation away from all this excess stress, and being isolated away from civilization is a nice touch as well. We didn't stay in a jungle or anything, but there just wasn't as much technology as there is in the States, so I was happy to be away from the net for 5 days :)

Mojitos - AWESOME. Definitely one of my favorite drinks. haha, at one point while we were drinking I shouted "MOJITO DOESN'T COUNT AS AN ALCOHOLIC DRINK" I guess it's funnier when you listen to a drunk person scream it.

I learned a lot on this trip. Lots of thinking and accepting. It's weird but I definitely feel like I grew a lot these past few days and I feel genuinely more happy than I did before. I lost a lot of anger and FOR NOW, am in a pretty passive happy mood.

Poker - I think I'm going to start playing today. I found that has Short Handed Limit Hold'em videos so I'm going to study one or two before I start playing poker again. Interesting to note, this is the second time I've seen a successful player's style and found that a chaotic hyper aggressive style isn't the only way to succeed at higher limits and short handed games. Interesting interesting.

I have a date tonight. I'm pretty happy :) Not a bad way to start my return to the States ya? Ya.

Have a good day,
Mike Song

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Fear to Gamble?

Man, some days I really lose the nerve to gamble. I just get shaky nerves, like this morning! I played, started up $60, then was down 80, then dominated my way back up $51 and decided to quit after a measly 45 min session. I just want to end positive today before my trip to mexico. Good for the nerves u know?

So...if I didn't donk away my $800 at NL, I'd have a 3k bankroll right now. als;kdjfa;sfd. So, here's the new plan. Everytime I have above 2k, I'm going to play 3/6 short handed. In total my bankroll is at 2.2k so I'm gonna be risking some of that when I get back to do some short handed play. Also gonna check out and subscribe for a month. I hear they have some short handed limit vids, which I need some help on. I'm so bad at playing out of position.

I leave for Mexico tomorrow. I'm psyched man. I really wanna try a mojito! heh. In less than a month I'm supposed to go back to school. Boy did I goof up my goals for this summer. The goal was to make 10k and be playing 10/20 limit - although I've now changed that to 400NL. Oh well, I'm still confident. I didn't put in that many hours this week and yet I accomplished an $800 run. I look forward to coming back and playing more limit. This'll be a good break.

That said, girls drive me CRAZY.

Adios amigos! I come back Thursday the 17th

Friday, August 11, 2006

-50bb 3hr run

played for 3hrs today. For the most part didn't tilt, just got unlucky here and there.

Last hand i played: AA

I'm pretty pissed off, it's a good thing I'm going out for lunch right now. Guy capped pf from SB w/K8s - flop 6 7 9. He bet, we cap, turn 8. He checks, I bet. River K, he gets 2pair and i'm down 50bbs for now.


Oh well, at least rakeback exists. Made 122 in rake so really i'm down 30bb. I can recover easily. Very very annoyed though. very.

Jamie Gold...Winner of the Main Event! Me...$200 richer!

Congratulations Gold, you just raped your way to 1st place in such a sick way. From some of the hands I read, looks like he pulled a Gigabet and used his stack like a friggin machine.

That's how I would've played and I have to say, it takes a lot of balls to do that, especially in the main event when first place is worth $12 million. I dunno if I could've played to the extent that Gold did but man, good job, and congratulations on the fact that your cards held up A LOT SIR

So I COMPLETELY misunderstood how sports betting works. I placed my bets on who would win on and next to the ticket prices, it said +200 so I thought wow! I like my chances! Uh..turns out each ticket was out of $100. So I bough 5 tickets on Cunningham and Gold for $30ish a piece.

500 - 150 - 150 = 200 profit.

I know, DUMB BET, $300 to win $200, geez. Man, I wish I had more money though. If I had a bigger br, I probably would've bought 10 tickets on each guy.

so...1000(amount possible to win) - 600(ticket price) = 400 profit! LOL. I should not continue sports betting. Night.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Prahlad Friedman

man I wish that guy would teach me poker. I hear he's cocky and a trash talker but he's got skill.

taken from cardplayer:
Jeffrey Lisandro, another Full Tilt representative, lived near the top of the leaderboard for the second consecutive day. He developed a rivalry with fellow pro Prahlad Friedman, and the two butted heads on numerous occasions.

On one hand, Friedman induced a fold from Lisandro on an Ac Jc 8c board with over $600,000 in the pot. After Lisandro mucked his cards, Friedman flipped over 9s 2d and said, “Now we’re playing some poker.”

btw, friedman is known as one of the fiercest online NL players. I wish I had some hand histories to show, he's one scary guy.

I did more stupid stuff

i took another shot at NL and this time lost 800 in the process. technically 600 if u inlude rakeback.

At least I feel determined to just play limit limit limit limit limit this week.


Tuesday, August 08, 2006

B&M Revisited

B&M = Brick and Mortar

Some of my buddies are out of town and another wasn't available to hang out last wanted to go out, especially because i got a haircut!, so I went back to the casino, haha.

This time to play Limit though. 4/8 style.

Man did I crush the game. I felt so comfortable playing limit. At first I was struggling a little, maniac re-bought on my left and woke up w/Aces while I w/kings, boooo.

My whole table was full of maniacs, it was so sweet. When it got short handed, I was so excited. Funny enough, I didn't really make my money til a few of them left and more sat down (full ring again).

So...I cashed out 580, 380 profit in a 6 hour session? 9pm-3am - ya. Wow, time flew by fast.

I had a lot of fun tonight, which was kinda surprising. The guy on my right obviously didn't know how to play hold'em well and then there was this professor guy who was fun to talk to.

Haha, there were two plays that lost me like $24 in total

Ad Jd 5
I had AJ, the guy on my right had A10. So he bets and I raise


He's hesitating, it's so obvious he doesn't have the flush. I bet and he's sitting there saying "This would be a good laydown"

me: cuz I like you, I'm telling you right now, you're beat. Here, hey dealer, can I play my hand face up? (dealer nodds and I flip over. Guy on my right flips over A10, hahahha)

Hand #2

I'm utg (under the gun) with JJ. It's a kill pot, basically if you win 2 hands in a row, the next hand plays double the limits. So we were basically playing 8/16. I anounced "I HAVE A GOOD HAND" and I raised, 2 callers.

flop was like 4 5 9
I bet they call
turn: 9, I bet they call.

as the dealer is burning a card for the river, I scream JACK!


I bet, they fold.

hahahha. I had fun.

But I am a little disappointed with myself. I knew it was time to leave when I noticed two things. 1 - the game was losing its action. 2 - I started gambling and playing pretty much every hand in the last round before I left.

Then I wanted to see if I could hit a rush so I dropped $25 in 1 blackjack hand.

Bah, gotta stop doing reckless stupid stuff!!!


Sunday, August 06, 2006

$700 dollar comeback

yay i finished w/my finals!

before my last final, I was up the whole night basically playing video games, heh. So after I was done, came back, took a nap, and decided I'd go play no limit at the casino. They have a 1/2 game w/only a $50 buy in @_@ and the 1-3 game (100-300 buyin). So...I played out of my bankroll and played the 300 game.

2nd hand I got, aces! I raised to 15 and got 2 callers. Flop 3 spades =( I bet the pot and one of the big stacks raised me a $100 more. If I had an A of spades I probably would've pushed. Oh well, I pitched it away and basically donked off my stack playing LAG and not hitting anything, even w/the premium hands yes.

fast forward it's 3am and I'm down to my last $90. Oh, I had also rebought several times, so add the 90 and really I was stuck $710, which is pretty significant to my $2k bankroll. I pull a few moves here and there, and luckily a kid donks his stack off to me at 4am. Flop was JJx, I had AJ, he bet 30 and I called. He pushed all in on the turn and I called. Apparently he misread his hand, he had 97s and he thought he had 89 for the I think I should only play in the wee hours of the morning, I tend to be more focused than the table anyways.

5am - I have $400, so now i'm down only 400! and this hand comes up. I have 7s, 3ppl in the pot including me.

7d 4c 2c - I bet the the pot (20) and both call.



I bet $40, calling station behind me calls, and then the big chipstack raises to $100, I immediately say all-in and the calling station calls. Then for the longest 5 minutes of my life, the big chipstack guy goes into the tank.

....and he thinks

.......still thinks

...........still thinking




YEAH BABY. I held 900! Whoo, no more deficit.

Long story short, I ended the day up $18 after an 11hour session - 8pm-7am.

I felt bad about the guy. 1) he's a fellow korean 2) after that, he pretty much donked away the rest of hte $400 he held. I don't know if he was tilting or if tends to donk it away when he's that tired.

By the way, besides making some good folds last night, i felt like I played HORRIBLE poker. I'm ashamed of the way I played. Scared and passive. I didn't think I would be so scared but after losing the first 300 it hit fast. Usually I don't let the pressure get to me.

I don't plan on playing out of my bankroll for awhile..but it's probably going to happen anyways.

Today is Sunday and I have not played any cards. I plan to start my 30-40hr week starating tomorrow. I hope to make over 1k this week. Next week I go to mexico w/my buddies and I plan to blow $500 in my short 4 day stay.

Boy do I get lucky.

Hand of the day, inwhich I was involved with:
hole cards 4h,6h

3 limpers, I limp, late position raises to 20, everyone calls including one of the blinds.

Kh 5h 3s

everyone checks, I check, lp bets 40, blind raises to $140 total.
I'm holding $190

Push or fold? It's completely friggin obvious he has a set. Especially the way he was talking me into the hand, haha.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Busy Week

There will not be much poker for me this week. I got finals on friday and saturday =/ my bankroll stands at about 2k. Gah, I must make that extra 1k so I can start playing 3/6 she. blehhhhhhh

If I make $300 this weekend, I think I'll play in the Big Deal tourney on Sunday through FCP. 80k guaranteed, and I heard only about 300 people play, sweeeeet.

See ya
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