$700 dollar comeback
yay i finished w/my finals!
before my last final, I was up the whole night basically playing video games, heh. So after I was done, came back, took a nap, and decided I'd go play no limit at the casino. They have a 1/2 game w/only a $50 buy in @_@ and the 1-3 game (100-300 buyin). So...I played out of my bankroll and played the 300 game.
2nd hand I got, aces! I raised to 15 and got 2 callers. Flop 3 spades =( I bet the pot and one of the big stacks raised me a $100 more. If I had an A of spades I probably would've pushed. Oh well, I pitched it away and basically donked off my stack playing LAG and not hitting anything, even w/the premium hands yes.
fast forward it's 3am and I'm down to my last $90. Oh, I had also rebought several times, so add the 90 and really I was stuck $710, which is pretty significant to my $2k bankroll. I pull a few moves here and there, and luckily a kid donks his stack off to me at 4am. Flop was JJx, I had AJ, he bet 30 and I called. He pushed all in on the turn and I called. Apparently he misread his hand, he had 97s and he thought he had 89 for the straight...lol. I think I should only play in the wee hours of the morning, I tend to be more focused than the table anyways.
5am - I have $400, so now i'm down only 400! and this hand comes up. I have 7s, 3ppl in the pot including me.
7d 4c 2c - I bet the the pot (20) and both call.
I bet $40, calling station behind me calls, and then the big chipstack raises to $100, I immediately say all-in and the calling station calls. Then for the longest 5 minutes of my life, the big chipstack guy goes into the tank.
....and he thinks
.......still thinks
...........still thinking
YEAH BABY. I held 900! Whoo, no more deficit.
Long story short, I ended the day up $18 after an 11hour session - 8pm-7am.
I felt bad about the guy. 1) he's a fellow korean 2) after that, he pretty much donked away the rest of hte $400 he held. I don't know if he was tilting or if tends to donk it away when he's that tired.
By the way, besides making some good folds last night, i felt like I played HORRIBLE poker. I'm ashamed of the way I played. Scared and passive. I didn't think I would be so scared but after losing the first 300 it hit fast. Usually I don't let the pressure get to me.
I don't plan on playing out of my bankroll for awhile..but it's probably going to happen anyways.
Today is Sunday and I have not played any cards. I plan to start my 30-40hr week starating tomorrow. I hope to make over 1k this week. Next week I go to mexico w/my buddies and I plan to blow $500 in my short 4 day stay.
Boy do I get lucky.
Hand of the day, inwhich I was involved with:
hole cards 4h,6h
3 limpers, I limp, late position raises to 20, everyone calls including one of the blinds.
Kh 5h 3s
everyone checks, I check, lp bets 40, blind raises to $140 total.
I'm holding $190
Push or fold? It's completely friggin obvious he has a set. Especially the way he was talking me into the hand, haha.
before my last final, I was up the whole night basically playing video games, heh. So after I was done, came back, took a nap, and decided I'd go play no limit at the casino. They have a 1/2 game w/only a $50 buy in @_@ and the 1-3 game (100-300 buyin). So...I played out of my bankroll and played the 300 game.
2nd hand I got, aces! I raised to 15 and got 2 callers. Flop 3 spades =( I bet the pot and one of the big stacks raised me a $100 more. If I had an A of spades I probably would've pushed. Oh well, I pitched it away and basically donked off my stack playing LAG and not hitting anything, even w/the premium hands yes.
fast forward it's 3am and I'm down to my last $90. Oh, I had also rebought several times, so add the 90 and really I was stuck $710, which is pretty significant to my $2k bankroll. I pull a few moves here and there, and luckily a kid donks his stack off to me at 4am. Flop was JJx, I had AJ, he bet 30 and I called. He pushed all in on the turn and I called. Apparently he misread his hand, he had 97s and he thought he had 89 for the straight...lol. I think I should only play in the wee hours of the morning, I tend to be more focused than the table anyways.
5am - I have $400, so now i'm down only 400! and this hand comes up. I have 7s, 3ppl in the pot including me.
7d 4c 2c - I bet the the pot (20) and both call.
I bet $40, calling station behind me calls, and then the big chipstack raises to $100, I immediately say all-in and the calling station calls. Then for the longest 5 minutes of my life, the big chipstack guy goes into the tank.
....and he thinks
.......still thinks
...........still thinking
YEAH BABY. I held 900! Whoo, no more deficit.
Long story short, I ended the day up $18 after an 11hour session - 8pm-7am.
I felt bad about the guy. 1) he's a fellow korean 2) after that, he pretty much donked away the rest of hte $400 he held. I don't know if he was tilting or if tends to donk it away when he's that tired.
By the way, besides making some good folds last night, i felt like I played HORRIBLE poker. I'm ashamed of the way I played. Scared and passive. I didn't think I would be so scared but after losing the first 300 it hit fast. Usually I don't let the pressure get to me.
I don't plan on playing out of my bankroll for awhile..but it's probably going to happen anyways.
Today is Sunday and I have not played any cards. I plan to start my 30-40hr week starating tomorrow. I hope to make over 1k this week. Next week I go to mexico w/my buddies and I plan to blow $500 in my short 4 day stay.
Boy do I get lucky.
Hand of the day, inwhich I was involved with:
hole cards 4h,6h
3 limpers, I limp, late position raises to 20, everyone calls including one of the blinds.
Kh 5h 3s
everyone checks, I check, lp bets 40, blind raises to $140 total.
I'm holding $190
Push or fold? It's completely friggin obvious he has a set. Especially the way he was talking me into the hand, haha.
WOW!!! That was a WILD READ!! Stay Strong buddy! I have a good feeling for you this week stick w/ your plan 30-40hrs will bring you good results! Play solid and glad to know your learning from ur mistakes! And WHOA!! Wht a All-Nighter you pulled! =) Thats Wild i'm sure its fun to jst get out of the house and actually feel the chips eh?!? Well keep us posted and enjoy ur honest! =) GL!!
"i'm sure its fun to jst get out of the house and actually feel the chips eh?!?"
truly. I get so bored playing one table, especially when it's full ring but there's nothing like the actual feel of the game, live human interaction and dealing with real chips rather than the click of a button.
I appreciate your post, thanks a bunch ;)
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