Sleep is so -EV
Not a bad week!

I'm starting to dabble some more in 5/10 but as of now I'm still not as comfortable with NL as I'd like to be. I know I have some areas that I'd really like to improve on, but for the most part my postflop play is getting really/pretty good imo.
Looking at the screenshot, if you did the math in your head, I really should've had 21,000 hands minimum if not 28,000 but I did get burned out at some point and sleeping in really does cost me money. I've been having some trouble sleeping at night...some days I find myself just staying up til 4am for no reason! I really like my days when I get up at 6, hit the gym and come back and work. Just feels like you're really doing something :D
Sleeping in probably costs me at least $600-$1000 a day.
Normally I should be waking up at 5:45am, hitting the gym by 6, doing my cardio for an hour and coming back around 7:05ish. Hit the shower, heat something up, eat. Should be done by 7:30-7:45. Boom work.
If I sleep in until 10am, this is a bestcase scenario for sleeping in btw, sometimes I hit 12pm, but anyhow, 10am, well now I still have to shower and eat breakfast. I refuse to play under shitty circumstances. I think it's really bad to play without being fully awake/prepared for the day. So doing all that, I won't be playing til 10:45-11am and now I have to get in waiting lists as other people are also waking up/playing by now.
I hope to improve more this week! I just realized that I don't need a 5bb/100 winrate at 3/6 to make $.5 a hand so that's always nice. I'd like to pull in 20 more grand or so at a 4+ bb/100 winrate and hit up 5/10 permanently : )
Must work harder!!!!! The goal for every month should really be 100,000 hands. Fuck I'm lazy.

I'm starting to dabble some more in 5/10 but as of now I'm still not as comfortable with NL as I'd like to be. I know I have some areas that I'd really like to improve on, but for the most part my postflop play is getting really/pretty good imo.
Looking at the screenshot, if you did the math in your head, I really should've had 21,000 hands minimum if not 28,000 but I did get burned out at some point and sleeping in really does cost me money. I've been having some trouble sleeping at night...some days I find myself just staying up til 4am for no reason! I really like my days when I get up at 6, hit the gym and come back and work. Just feels like you're really doing something :D
Sleeping in probably costs me at least $600-$1000 a day.
Normally I should be waking up at 5:45am, hitting the gym by 6, doing my cardio for an hour and coming back around 7:05ish. Hit the shower, heat something up, eat. Should be done by 7:30-7:45. Boom work.
If I sleep in until 10am, this is a bestcase scenario for sleeping in btw, sometimes I hit 12pm, but anyhow, 10am, well now I still have to shower and eat breakfast. I refuse to play under shitty circumstances. I think it's really bad to play without being fully awake/prepared for the day. So doing all that, I won't be playing til 10:45-11am and now I have to get in waiting lists as other people are also waking up/playing by now.
I hope to improve more this week! I just realized that I don't need a 5bb/100 winrate at 3/6 to make $.5 a hand so that's always nice. I'd like to pull in 20 more grand or so at a 4+ bb/100 winrate and hit up 5/10 permanently : )
Must work harder!!!!! The goal for every month should really be 100,000 hands. Fuck I'm lazy.
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