I won the Bodog 100k Tournament!
title says it all. My friend cobaltblue was playing for 1.5 hours and then he called me to take over him since he had to go to a superbowl party. To be honest, I didn't pay attention for like the first 4 hours. I was 4tabling AP, watching a cardrunners' vid, and then when I realized I was deep, I started to focus :D
Fun times. I used to grind out sngs a long while back but I really hate online tourneys, I feel like a kid in detention because i'm forced to sit there the whole damn time! grrrr. I played a pretty TAG game imo. Stealing the button when I could, 3betting only premiums, pretty textbook stuff.
I sucked out twice, a5 > AT and 8s > 9s, I flopped a set :D
The last hand of the tourney I had KK, blinds 15/30k, he has 600k and I cover. He makes it 78k, I call w/the intention to cr any drawy flop.
k 2 2 - LOL. I check/call
7 - check/call
Ace - Gin! Check/raise all in! He calls w/A7. Ship the 25k first place prize :D
Because I played for about 75% of the total tourney time, I pretty much got that much. 19,250 is my cut : )
cobalt: you realize that for the last 3 years this is the tourney I've been trying to win?
This was my first bodog tourney ever :D Winning it was so funny. I had cobalt on the phone and we just started laughing hysterically when I won. It wasn't til hours later I was like "holy shit, I really just won Bodog's 100k tourney...and i'm 20k richer! what the hell?!" To celebrate, I had pizza, watched lost in translation...and that's it :p
The last 2 days have been pretty great. I played only 1,000 hands today...just look at this! Look how sexy these stats/graphs are! And according to EV, i ran slightly bad :D

title says it all. My friend cobaltblue was playing for 1.5 hours and then he called me to take over him since he had to go to a superbowl party. To be honest, I didn't pay attention for like the first 4 hours. I was 4tabling AP, watching a cardrunners' vid, and then when I realized I was deep, I started to focus :D
Fun times. I used to grind out sngs a long while back but I really hate online tourneys, I feel like a kid in detention because i'm forced to sit there the whole damn time! grrrr. I played a pretty TAG game imo. Stealing the button when I could, 3betting only premiums, pretty textbook stuff.
I sucked out twice, a5 > AT and 8s > 9s, I flopped a set :D
The last hand of the tourney I had KK, blinds 15/30k, he has 600k and I cover. He makes it 78k, I call w/the intention to cr any drawy flop.
k 2 2 - LOL. I check/call
7 - check/call
Ace - Gin! Check/raise all in! He calls w/A7. Ship the 25k first place prize :D
Because I played for about 75% of the total tourney time, I pretty much got that much. 19,250 is my cut : )
cobalt: you realize that for the last 3 years this is the tourney I've been trying to win?
This was my first bodog tourney ever :D Winning it was so funny. I had cobalt on the phone and we just started laughing hysterically when I won. It wasn't til hours later I was like "holy shit, I really just won Bodog's 100k tourney...and i'm 20k richer! what the hell?!" To celebrate, I had pizza, watched lost in translation...and that's it :p
The last 2 days have been pretty great. I played only 1,000 hands today...just look at this! Look how sexy these stats/graphs are! And according to EV, i ran slightly bad :D

Gratz man! Nice victory :))
congrats, but i would edit your post and not make this public knowledge because of all the blowback from account sharing these days...
I would however the fact is there was no cheating and I gained no edge by taking over his account. He only played the first 1.5 hrs (silly) and then I took over w/like a 2200 chipstack at 50/100 blinds.
totally different than buying someone's acct who is like 3/4s the way through a tournament.
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