Tuesday, January 22, 2008

First Week of 2008

Technically it's not as I put in like 1k hands before last week but that doesn't really count :P

the graph does look kind of disappointing no?

Obviously stop at the 10k mark :p

Last week was my official week back to poker. I had taken a pretty big break (3 weeks?) from poker. Wow, my spelling has gotten worse. I pride myself on being able to spell a good amount of words but lately I've been spelling red meat: red meet and just now weak instead of week.

Anyhow, it's my first week and I've been granted a blessing by variance! :D

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Not too shabby. Almost $1 a hand :p I used to think it was very silly to think about making money in terms of $ per hand instead of BB's but that was just silly irrational thinking. My goal at 3/6 is to get to 50 cents a hand. I see about 500-800 hands an hour so a $250/hr deal isn't too bad :P The most desirable right now is 5bb/100 at 5/10nl. That = $1 per hand. Even if you 4table that's $360 an hour! Mmmmmmmm!

Anyhow, I'm working on putting in 2.5k hands a day. I'm not going to fulfill that today as I'm going out to eat soon and then play some basketball. But I'd like to get in another 500-1k hands before the day is over. I have 1k hands so far and up 1.2k for the day : )

It's weird. In general I'm just more focused about playing than before. I just want to build a big bankroll and have a good time at the wsop as well as summer w/my friends who are graduating. I also haven't paid off my car completely and I'm very very disappointed in myself for not doing so. I made a stupid purchase that was out of my roll last year and I've been paying the price. This must get paid in 2 months. Not for any real reason except that I owe it to myself to work that hard. 30k months are my goal. If I don't make 10k this month, lol especially after last week, I'm going to be pretty bummed. 10k months should now be easy. 20k months should take a little work but will soon become the standard imo. 30k is where it's at and in due time 50k months. That's my monetary plan for the year :D

I'm continuing to work on my game and tweak out as much as I can. I'm progressing nicely but can and will improve even more with the help of a coach.

Speaking of which, I am thinking of coaching 2 nl and lhe'rs for a month. Haven't set it in stone yet but I am strongly considering this. There will be a flat fee as nothing in this world comes free. I think it'll be a really good experience for me and the students if I go ahead with this.

Best of luck,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looking good man. A 5BB/100 is my goal for LHE :)

11:57 AM  

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