Yum Yums
You ever have those cravings, those weird feelings where you just feel incredibly...scrunched? Like you just have all this energy inside that needs to be let out somehow? Ya, that happened to me except I took it out on food, and a little nutbar as well. Egads! And I'm dieting too! D:
I ate:
omelette in morning, then about 8 hours later I had garlic beef and curry beef, then I had two donuts, followed by toffee hazelnut frapuccino - omg awesome - oreo ice cream, another donut, 2 sushi rolls, then 1 more donut. Sigh ~ At 5'4" I weigh 150.5 Oh well, I'll get in shape some day *shakes fist*
Halloween -
Started off nutbarring at no limit. Not the best place to do it. I lost $25 at the .05/.1 tables, heh. I thought it'd be funny so I sat down with a few thousand at that table. It was a cap game so I could only push for $3 max. I had so much gamble in me, had to find a way to get it all out.
But ya, HALLOWEEN WAS EXCELLENT. Games were so juicy! Actually, at first I thought the sharks came out because there was a lot more aggression at the tables than I was used to. At 3/6, this usually means that they're bluffing with air, and sure enough, I figured out who was an aggro-donk and adjusted my game. I took a few really fun hits at teh beginning:
Boat over boat D:
Flopped nut straight - villain turns boat
AA loses to something dumb
Same with KK twice
So I immediately started out 30bb loser. And as time progressed, I was down $400!! UGH, I hate being down. So what did I do? Bum bum bum, I told myself to FOCUS and I loaded up two more tables as well, haha...
I play pretty damn well on my instincts. I think you definitely do develop a personal 'system/approach' to this game as you play but I was definitely relying more on instinct than I was stats while 6 tabling. So grind grind grind, before I know it, I'm CRUSHING. At one point I had $500 at a table :D I played for 4 hours 40 mins and made I think approx $300 in this session (with bonuses $415). But I'm happy I came back from a 50bb hit to a +50. I was up 600 but took a few hits. Oh well oh well.
bankroll: 3740ish
6,000 hands @ 3/6 6max, 1.76bb/100
I'm considering 2 tabling some 5/10 action today. Soon as I hit 4,000 I wanna take a shot at 5/10 and 4 table there.
Nov 1st - I don't feel like playing at all today. Just gonna relax, watch a movie, and play some video games. poker poker poker tomorrow!
You ever have those cravings, those weird feelings where you just feel incredibly...scrunched? Like you just have all this energy inside that needs to be let out somehow? Ya, that happened to me except I took it out on food, and a little nutbar as well. Egads! And I'm dieting too! D:
I ate:
omelette in morning, then about 8 hours later I had garlic beef and curry beef, then I had two donuts, followed by toffee hazelnut frapuccino - omg awesome - oreo ice cream, another donut, 2 sushi rolls, then 1 more donut. Sigh ~ At 5'4" I weigh 150.5 Oh well, I'll get in shape some day *shakes fist*
Halloween -
Started off nutbarring at no limit. Not the best place to do it. I lost $25 at the .05/.1 tables, heh. I thought it'd be funny so I sat down with a few thousand at that table. It was a cap game so I could only push for $3 max. I had so much gamble in me, had to find a way to get it all out.
But ya, HALLOWEEN WAS EXCELLENT. Games were so juicy! Actually, at first I thought the sharks came out because there was a lot more aggression at the tables than I was used to. At 3/6, this usually means that they're bluffing with air, and sure enough, I figured out who was an aggro-donk and adjusted my game. I took a few really fun hits at teh beginning:
Boat over boat D:
Flopped nut straight - villain turns boat
AA loses to something dumb
Same with KK twice
So I immediately started out 30bb loser. And as time progressed, I was down $400!! UGH, I hate being down. So what did I do? Bum bum bum, I told myself to FOCUS and I loaded up two more tables as well, haha...
I play pretty damn well on my instincts. I think you definitely do develop a personal 'system/approach' to this game as you play but I was definitely relying more on instinct than I was stats while 6 tabling. So grind grind grind, before I know it, I'm CRUSHING. At one point I had $500 at a table :D I played for 4 hours 40 mins and made I think approx $300 in this session (with bonuses $415). But I'm happy I came back from a 50bb hit to a +50. I was up 600 but took a few hits. Oh well oh well.
bankroll: 3740ish
6,000 hands @ 3/6 6max, 1.76bb/100
I'm considering 2 tabling some 5/10 action today. Soon as I hit 4,000 I wanna take a shot at 5/10 and 4 table there.
Nov 1st - I don't feel like playing at all today. Just gonna relax, watch a movie, and play some video games. poker poker poker tomorrow!
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