Sunday, June 18, 2006

Boohooooooo bbbuttt Woohooo???!!!

Get ready for a VERY VERY LONG POST.
*edit* I decided to break it into 2 posts. It really is pretty long.

ok, first of all, I realized that my links work again! Before they were stuck at the bottom of the screen which is just plain retarded. yay.

Friday - I played 3/6 short handed for 5 hours. Oh was it painful. I've never seen myself get rivered so many times. It was disgusting, sickening. The only tilting that I did during the session was I called someone down w/an awful hand that I normally would've thrown away. That's the only "tilting" I'm aware of. Tilting in limit isn't that much of a problem for me anymore, in fact, I'm more likely to tilt in a tournament than I am in a cash game for obvious reasons - you only lose your buyin instead of $762!!! yep...after a 5 hour session, I lost 127 big bets. Ouch Ouch ouch. So you know what I did that night?

I went to see a movie!!!

I saw The Omen. L-A-M-E. Very. Now, I'm not a fan of horror movies. I hate graphic violence. I don't need to see someone slowly and painfully lose their knee. It's pretty sickening and honestly, I don't think there's much skill/technique to horror movies. All you do is think of a fun way for someone to die and slap it on the script. BUT...I am a fan of suspense. SIGNS is the scariest movie I have seen. I saw it on a sunday afternoon in a theater of like 8 or 9 people. seriously, at one point, I thought aliens were gonna creep up from the seats and harvest us, and I started to get sick to the point where I was going to throw up. That's how scared I actually got. I found the movie to be terrificly realistic.


what sucks about suspense is that there are people who pay 10 bucks and walk into the theater thinking "what a dumb movie. I'm not going to be scared. I'm going to laugh at it and look like a coooooooooool person" - fucking asshole. It's such a waste of money, time, and energy. If you're going to see a movie, why not try and get involved with it as much as possible? I love movies! I hate it when people talk in theaters. Drives me nuts. I wanted to yell at the kids behind me while watching Omen. They're lucky I was in a passive mood...I did stand up and yell at a kid during Lord of the Rings III but that's another story :)

So guess what, guess what, what did I do after the movie???

I went to GAMBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yup, I went to the casino, got there at 11, and sat in a 4/8 limit hold'em game. Played very lag, which is something I like to do when I play live limit hold'em. Why? Well lag is very fun and you only get one table instead of 4 to multitable heh. It's fun figuring out people's hands and outplaying them or making great laydowns. It's annoying yet beneficial moneywise to see people criticizing you for playing certain hands or making certain moves. I just wanna tell them that they're the reason why many of us make money, because they're too close minded and lazy to understand the game. Come on people, this applies to life too, why be close minded? There's more than just one way to make a living, to execute an action, to create a strategy, etc etc etc. Think I'd get along with conservative extremists? or even liberal extremists? lol...

So. I brought $500 with me to the casino and lost $300. The bad side of variance continued...grrrrr. Wanna know how bad?

Very Bad!!!!!!!!!!!!

Best hand of the night: I have 88, few callers.
Flop: 8,6,6.
I check, someone bets, another calls.
Turn: blank, I check, same guy bets, another calls, I raise, guy re-raises, I'm like, alright, re-raise, he re-raises and dealer says: no cap. In a frustrated voice - though I'm excited inside - I'm like, look, I'm going all in, re-raise. So finally I'm all in. He shows 6,6. Oh lord. Boat vs quads from teh flop. Gotta love it, gotta love it. I'm hoping for the 1 outer, if it hits, we take down a very nice jackpot worth 16.9k.

River: Dealer -

Wow, way to crush my heart dealer. I was really sad. Now, normally, I would've realized that I was definitely beat here and would've just called down after another re-raise or two. The guys that play limit at the casino are such pansies. If you 3bet someone who has top pair with AK, he probably would call down the rest of the way. Some guys don't even raise with AK. That's how scared these "gamblers" are.

Greatest part about this pot. For the next 1/2 hour, no one would shut up about it. Someone would say "man i woudl've loved to have that jackpot" "So close so close" WHAT ABOUT ME SIRS? AND GALS? I HAVE FEELINGS!!!

I bought in for the 4th time time, had $100 left in my pocket, and if I lost this buy-in was I going to continue? Hell yeah! Luckily, I didn't have to buy back in. Fought that $100, almost went broke, made money on my allin, and racked it to $180 and then the game broke. Grrr. 3am - I look around, one other 4/8 table and 2 no limit tables - one which had a very cute Chinese girl. What to do what to do...

~To be continued :)


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