Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Return to the Casino!

I played at Barona last night for a bit. It was pretty fun. I first off played some Casino War while waiting for my friend to get there. I try to stay away from house games since they're obviously -ev, but I managed a $30 profit here :D But then lost $40 at craps, lol.

I sat at 3/6 and then played some 4/8 kill when the table opened up. I played pretty well except for one particular hand. Oh well.

You know what I like about playing live? The feel of the chips. When you bet, you feel as if you're actively putting something in motion, rather than just clicking around like an idiot. I need to work on my image though. Either people see that I obviously know how to play or for some reason they don't like me, even though I laugh along with their jokes =/

I've decided that when I play live over at Barona and other San Diego casinos, I'm going to play a LAG style simply because i'm there to enjoy the game. Making money is the goal, but, it's not that important. I want Casino time to be my stress free time since I don't play often (due to $4 rake and seeing/playing a low amount of hands). Also, it's fun to work on postflop play against donks. To see what works and if you can really push a bad player off a hand, etc etc.

Still feeling very indifferent, oh well



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