So my confidence is coming back. Losing 200bbs was BRUTAL but yesterday in like a 4-6 hour span I made back 100 of it, and I looked at my rakeback and found that I'm even again!
My bankroll:
You know what? This is a GREAT reason why bankroll management is important. Please, I hope you all practice good bankroll management. You hear about these guys who take shots at bigger games, games way out of their bankroll, run hot and bank big. That's great but most of the time this isn't going to happen. You're taking shots at HIGHER games against BETTER people, so you expect a bigger return? Please, you'll go broke more than not, or at least lose a big chunk of it. There's no reason to do it. Obv. we all get greedy once in awhile and wanna try but I really don't recommend it. I don't know if I'd follow a fish to a 25/50 game u know? It's poker, yes I'm supposed to win more in the longrun but a short run of -2000 would make me go flipping crazy. I'm beating the games for a great amt, why quit now?
I still place myself at a 1.5bb/100 winner if not 2bb. But yes, this week, the beats have been crrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrazzzzy!
Look at my graphs! Each bigbet = $6


YUCK, but at least I'm close to even. Something is wrong with the graph tho, I'm not down $180, I'm down $600 more! lol. Oh well.
I'm clicking back into my groove. Part of that vicious swing happened because I kicked up my game another notch and decided to be even more aggressive. I'm still experimenting with the style and the conclusion I have for now is that, it's not necessary for 3/6 sh lhe. I went back to playing the way I normally did and I raped. so there's no need to change it up right now.
But look, here's my look on SH LHE
Loose-Aggressive StyleThe LAG style to short handed limit is the best one. Your range of hands is particularly wide so your opponents have a trouble of pinning you on a hand. Raising with QJo, I may get credit for also having a King or an Ace if they flop, enabling to take down more pots. I am constantly putting pressure on my opponents, and the problem they have with calling me down with Ace high is that they are constantly in the dark. If I catch on to the A high calldown, then I'm going to bet the flop and turn, and check the river UI but I will always be value betting the river otherwise. Why do I still bet the flop and turn? For fold equity.
I'm in a lot of hands as a LAG, therefore I am giving a lot of action. In poker, I full on believe that to take action, you must give action. If someone raises 1% of the time, it's obv. he has Aces. If someone like me raises 22% of the time, u're not going to know when I have Aces, thus I'll be getting paid off a lot (or in this case, sucked out on :p) I believe I get full value out of my hands this way.
An additional strongpoint of the LAG style. It really really pisses off people, especially if you can value bet those marginal hands VERY well. But this is a double edged sword. Sometimes people will avoid you and only playback with strong hands - this is a HIGH benefit. It makes it so much easier to bet/fold those weak hands.
Some people end up playing back with A high etc. and that's where it gets crazy. If u're not hitting ur card rush, then u want to revert back to a truthful style and punish them with your good cards. Adapt adapt adapt.
And that's what's been happening to me this week as I upped my aggression. People started making a lot of crazy plays at me and I haven't been handling it right. There's just so many 100bb swings I mentally cannot take it right now. But eventually I'll figure it out.
I'm 6 tabling! So $150 an hour here I come baby! I wanna have a great christmas break :) Good luck to everyone who has finals. I'm pretty screwed schoolwise @_@
-Michael Song
Oh! Some last minute things:
In response to anon's comment:
I partially agree with what you've said. When I'm really stressed, I'll go to the casino and play the 3/6 full ring game because it's the easiest thing in the world to me. Those players are so transparent. I can usually fold Kings easily if an A hits on the flop and one of them shows aggression.
the rake @ live games is a killer man! $4 a pot! Some take even $5! and playing 1 table live vs 2-6 tables online just doesn't compare you know? I'm making $150 an hour w/6 tables, bonuses, and rakeback! That's more than a live 30/60 player and most likely not as difficult either! Online has too many benefits and I believe it's very important to work on the online game. The hardest part is folding (because there are maniacs) and tilt control :p
Hand 1 I have 88 for a set!
Limit Holdem Ring game
Limit: $3/$66 players
Pre-flop: (6 players) MikeySong is UTG with 8h 8s MikeySong raises, 2 folds, Button 3-bets, SB caps, BB calls, MikeySong calls, Button calls.
Flop: 8c 3s qs (16SB, 4 players)SB bets, BB folds, MikeySong raises, Button folds, SB 3-bets, MikeySong caps, SB calls.
Turn: 6h (12BB, 2 players)SB bets, MikeySong raises, SB calls all-in $0.25.Uncalled bets: 0.96BB returned to MikeySong.
River: kc (14.08BB, 1 player + 1 all-in - Main pot: 14.08BB)
Results:Final pot: 14.08BB $84
MikeySong Shows 8h 8s
SB Shows Kd Ks
Hand 2: I have 7,7 for a set!
Limit Holdem Ring game
Limit: $3/$65 players
Pre-flop: (5 players) MikeySong is UTG with 7h 7d MikeySong raises, 2 folds, SB calls, BB calls.
Flop: 2d kh ac (6SB, 3 players)SB checks, BB checks, MikeySong bets, SB folds, BB calls.
Turn: 7s (4BB, 2 players)BB checks, MikeySong bets, BB calls.
River: 8d (6BB, 2 players)BB checks, MikeySong bets, BB raises, MikeySong 3-bets, BB caps, MikeySong calls.
Results:Final pot: 14BB
BB Shows 8c 8h
MikeySong shows 7h 7d
Hand 3: I have 3,5 for two pair!
Limit Holdem Ring game
Limit: $3/$66 players
Pre-flop: (6 players) MikeySong is CO with 3d 5d UTG calls, UTG+1 calls, MikeySong calls, Button folds, SB calls, BB checks.
Flop: 3c 5s ah (5SB, 5 players)SB checks, BB bets, UTG folds, UTG+1 calls, MikeySong raises, SB folds, BB calls, UTG+1 calls.
Turn: 8s (5.5BB, 3 players)BB bets, UTG+1 calls, MikeySong raises, BB calls, UTG+1 3-bets, MikeySong calls, BB calls all-in $5.
River: 9s (14.33BB, 2 players + 1 all-in - Main pot: 14BB, Sidepot 1: 0.33BB)UTG+1 bets, MikeySong calls.
Final pot: 16.33 $100
UTG+1 Shows As Ks
BB Shows Ad 2s
Mikey Song shows 3d 5d
This is jsut a small sample of what's been going on this week. Oh and I still posted a 23bb profit! SO F OFF VARIANCE