Getting Back Into the Rhythm
Poker's going well!
Not monetarily wise but I feel like I'm still playing great. I was worried that I might be out of sync after not playing for a week or so, but nope! I've been trying out full tilt as well and everything feels good!
I feel like what'll be the end of me is not degeneracy but instead my spending habits. In March I went home and bought a g35 on impulse, although I actually will need it when I go back home in May. And this week, while tabling at FTP, my comp started to time out w/4-6 tables, hud, n pokertracker running. UNACCEPTABLE! One of my goals is to be able to 10table sh lhe. I just see it as a useful skill and one of the biggest benefits of it is that you don't need as big of a bankroll to make lots of monies per hour :D For instance, let's say you're a 1bb winner 5tabling @ 5/10 and also @ 10/20...if you can 10 table 5/10....You only need 10,000 instead of 20,000 to be safe! and earn just as much as u would @ 10/20, yayyyyyyyy!
I also do want a new laptop that I can carry around with me : )
I think one of the more important approaches to the game is the mental aspect of it. Half a year ago, I was really eager to learn how to play, like when check-raising is good, stuff like that. Too technical! Instead I was taught to keep an open mind, experiment, play 1-2 tables max, and think a lot about flop texture and how/why my opponents bet, call, or fold. I remember in September/October I lost 300bbs @ 3/6 SH lhe and then tried to make some more back by playing @ 10/20, haha. Oh man...those were bad times.
I had no confidence in my game and felt that what I needed was technical advice. When you approach this game, you should believe in yourself and find your own style. I always thought I wanted to be a super LAG but I realized, I'd rather not deal with that kind of variance. Make money the easy way or the hard way?
Also, my mindset was all wrong. I would play to get even, playing overly aggressive, wasn't adjusting appropriately to the tables, felt everyone was trying to make plays at me, oh, and I tilted : )
Everyone tilts, it's all about taking the appropriate actions to control it. When too many bad beats happen n such, I quickly finish up my rounds and take a 30min-1hr break where I'll take out my stress on a shooting video game, or watch a movie. I don't bother getting into personal fights over the internet or really taking shots personally. There are a few people who bug me but for the most part, it's all about playing good solid poker! No point in trying to overrun people who refuse to fold.
That said, I'm playing great poker and am not running too well!

But it's ok! I'm really happy with how I'm playing. Very few spewage moments, for the most part, just good poker. I'm trying to get into my 9 hour schedule, but tonight I had to cut it short. The game just started to get depressing, I couldn't think too straight, wasn't tilting but I wasn't able to process the information correctly and when I noticed myself trying to bluff someone off, I realized it was quitting time!
I think I rambled a lot but I hope that helps somewhat. There's no point in being good at poker if you're going to play under non-profitable conditions while tilting away yummy monies......
Not monetarily wise but I feel like I'm still playing great. I was worried that I might be out of sync after not playing for a week or so, but nope! I've been trying out full tilt as well and everything feels good!
I feel like what'll be the end of me is not degeneracy but instead my spending habits. In March I went home and bought a g35 on impulse, although I actually will need it when I go back home in May. And this week, while tabling at FTP, my comp started to time out w/4-6 tables, hud, n pokertracker running. UNACCEPTABLE! One of my goals is to be able to 10table sh lhe. I just see it as a useful skill and one of the biggest benefits of it is that you don't need as big of a bankroll to make lots of monies per hour :D For instance, let's say you're a 1bb winner 5tabling @ 5/10 and also @ 10/20...if you can 10 table 5/10....You only need 10,000 instead of 20,000 to be safe! and earn just as much as u would @ 10/20, yayyyyyyyy!
I also do want a new laptop that I can carry around with me : )
I think one of the more important approaches to the game is the mental aspect of it. Half a year ago, I was really eager to learn how to play, like when check-raising is good, stuff like that. Too technical! Instead I was taught to keep an open mind, experiment, play 1-2 tables max, and think a lot about flop texture and how/why my opponents bet, call, or fold. I remember in September/October I lost 300bbs @ 3/6 SH lhe and then tried to make some more back by playing @ 10/20, haha. Oh man...those were bad times.
I had no confidence in my game and felt that what I needed was technical advice. When you approach this game, you should believe in yourself and find your own style. I always thought I wanted to be a super LAG but I realized, I'd rather not deal with that kind of variance. Make money the easy way or the hard way?
Also, my mindset was all wrong. I would play to get even, playing overly aggressive, wasn't adjusting appropriately to the tables, felt everyone was trying to make plays at me, oh, and I tilted : )
Everyone tilts, it's all about taking the appropriate actions to control it. When too many bad beats happen n such, I quickly finish up my rounds and take a 30min-1hr break where I'll take out my stress on a shooting video game, or watch a movie. I don't bother getting into personal fights over the internet or really taking shots personally. There are a few people who bug me but for the most part, it's all about playing good solid poker! No point in trying to overrun people who refuse to fold.
That said, I'm playing great poker and am not running too well!

But it's ok! I'm really happy with how I'm playing. Very few spewage moments, for the most part, just good poker. I'm trying to get into my 9 hour schedule, but tonight I had to cut it short. The game just started to get depressing, I couldn't think too straight, wasn't tilting but I wasn't able to process the information correctly and when I noticed myself trying to bluff someone off, I realized it was quitting time!
I think I rambled a lot but I hope that helps somewhat. There's no point in being good at poker if you're going to play under non-profitable conditions while tilting away yummy monies......
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