Monday, April 23, 2007

No Such Thing As Running Bad!

Some rambles...(this isn't a response to Leatherass' entry, I just wanted to write about this)

I think sbrugby mentions something similar to that but I know Ivey has said it quite frequently that he doesn't believe in running bad, you either play good or you don't.

Do you really believe it? You should.

The logical person says, well I can't run good forever! I'll have down swings as well as heaters.

But really, I don't think it's ok to have only that thought in mind.

Before you play every session, you should ask yourself why you are playing. Is it to have fun or to make money? If it's to make money, then you should believe in yourself otherwise you'll get crushed. Your expectation should be to win. Playing cards with a lack of confidence is dangerous, your mentality is weak and you're prone to making really bad folds (see KK hand from a few blog entries ago) or perhaps you may tilt easier.

If you give in to the thinking and blame your results on a downswing, you may get lazy with your approach to the game. Unfortunately, there really isn't a mechanical way to beat the game. You have to put in the hands, have the experience, and know the people you're playing against to be able to play close to a mechanical style. But even then, we're all human beings. We're not 100% consistent, so you have to adapt to those changes. If you start losing money, you might not adjust, you might push your AA hands harder when you shouldn't, or your two pair vs a passive who you know most likely has a set, etc.
Maybe you see a possible flush hit, and you don't value bet because you're thinking "standard, he got there, take my money punk!" - BAD BAD BAD!

If you have a negative approach to the game, your results will become negative. I really believe this. When you bet, if you don't know why you're betting, or if you're hoping that you're good, you're gambling. What happens to those who gamble in the long run? They lose. If you play with a negative mood, it'll get to you and before you know it, you're just praying for good luck - bad!

Dwayne Wade, the shooting guard for the Miami Heat, and one of the best in the game, was asked what goes on in his mind when he's shooting crucial shots for his team. His response was something along the lines of, "nothing, I just shoot" Nerves of steel man. But not only that, he has total faith in himself. He knows his stuff, he knows he can make those shots, he has no reason not to believe in himself. If he misses he misses, but that doesn't go through his mind, because he won't miss.

If you just read that and thought "but he'll still miss sometimes!" you just don't get it. You don't have total confidence : /

I def. remember sbrugby mentioning that you should take responsibility for your actions. Every decision you make influences the outcome of the hand. These are your choices. In the end, when things go right or wrong, it's because of the choice you made. Accept it and move on.

I completely forgot about taking responsibility for my own actions, and here's a hand that happened where I realized wow, I probably would have won the hand if I hadn't wussed out.

Pre-flop: (6 players) Mikey is CO with as ks
2 folds, Mikey raises, 2 folds, BB 3-bets, Mikey caps, BB calls.

Flop: jc 4c 8c (8.6SB, 2 players)
BB bets, Mikey raises, BB calls.

Turn: ah (6.3BB, 2 players)
BB checks, Mikey bets, BB raises, Mikey calls.

River: 9c (10.3BB, 2 players)
BB bets, Mikey calls.

BB shows 10,10c for the flush.

On paper, this hand is absolutely horrible. Thing is, I've played a lot of hands vs. villain and I know he can lead this with something as weak as A5o with no club draw, he does bet/fold the flop from time to time. The turn is the part I really want to talk about. I just knew he didn't have two pair there, villain would've check-raised the flop or bet/3bet with tptk. I should've went w/my gut and 3bet the turn. As played, I made a very very poor call on the river, but at least it opened my eyes to the fact that there's a chance I could've won the pot had I shown more aggression.

I played this hand horribly. Yuck!


This month has been brutal to me. It started out with some ridiculous swings, but then my stupid self decided to give 10/20 a shot, which technically wasn't a bad choice because it was within bankroll limits. BUT, I took a shot at 10/20 while I was furious about what was happening at the 5/10 tables. I was just asking for disaster : /

I then started to try and up the amount of tables I was playing to 10, but quickly decided 8 might be better, and haven't been playing my A game. A lot of my decisions have been guesswork and really haven't been working out for me. Really shouldn't leave the game up to just guesswork. So yes, while I do believe I was on a horrible downswing, I also blame a lot of it on my approach to the game. I got impatient, I was dumb, and I didn't play a solid game. I chased my losses rather than reviewing my own game, talking it over with friends, etc. I basically played with a negative mindset.

I feel pretty good today and hopefully I'll be back on track : ) I'm also going to delve into NL some more as I am enjoying it and it is less swingy ;), but for the most part, I still enjoy sh lhe!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

If your life had a soundtrack, what would it be?

Time for something fun! Feel free to respond with your soundtrack!

If your life had a soundtrack, what would it be?

1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, etc).
2. Put it on shuffle.
3. Press Play.
4. For every question, type the song that's playing.
5. When you go to a new question, press the Next button.
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool.
7. Don't skip songs =)

***Repost w/ numbers and names of songs.***

(1) Opening credits: Head Over Heels by Tears for Fears

(2) Waking Up: Wonderwall by Oasis

(3) First day at school: Marching Bands of Manhattan by Death Cab for Cutie

(4) Fight song: Exit Music (for a film) by Radiohead - LOL, GLOOMIEST FIGHT SONG EVER

(5) Breaking up: Never Take Friendship Personal by Anberlin - rawrrrrrrrrrrr

(6) Happiness: Walk This Way by Aerosmith

(7) Life's okay: Subterranean Homesick Alien by Radiohead

(8) Mental breakdown: Delicate by Damien Rice - wow that matched up well.

(9) Driving: Easier to Run by Linkin Park

(10) Flashback: Debate Exposes Doubt by Death Cab for Cutie

(11) Getting back together: G. Fresh by Drunken Tiger (if anyone can translate the korean lyrics for me, that'd be appreciated :D )

(12) Wedding: High and Dry by Radiohead

(13) Birth of a child: Downfall by Trust Company

(14) Final battle: Let Down by Radiohead

(15) Death scene: Like Spinning Plates (live) by Radiohead

(16) Funeral song: Inner Universe from Ghost in the Shell soundtrack

(17) End credits: Rain from Cowboy Bebop

daaaaaaaaaaaaang, radiohead took this one by storm!

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Getting Back Into the Rhythm

Poker's going well!

Not monetarily wise but I feel like I'm still playing great. I was worried that I might be out of sync after not playing for a week or so, but nope! I've been trying out full tilt as well and everything feels good!

I feel like what'll be the end of me is not degeneracy but instead my spending habits. In March I went home and bought a g35 on impulse, although I actually will need it when I go back home in May. And this week, while tabling at FTP, my comp started to time out w/4-6 tables, hud, n pokertracker running. UNACCEPTABLE! One of my goals is to be able to 10table sh lhe. I just see it as a useful skill and one of the biggest benefits of it is that you don't need as big of a bankroll to make lots of monies per hour :D For instance, let's say you're a 1bb winner 5tabling @ 5/10 and also @ 10/20...if you can 10 table 5/10....You only need 10,000 instead of 20,000 to be safe! and earn just as much as u would @ 10/20, yayyyyyyyy!

I also do want a new laptop that I can carry around with me : )

I think one of the more important approaches to the game is the mental aspect of it. Half a year ago, I was really eager to learn how to play, like when check-raising is good, stuff like that. Too technical! Instead I was taught to keep an open mind, experiment, play 1-2 tables max, and think a lot about flop texture and how/why my opponents bet, call, or fold. I remember in September/October I lost 300bbs @ 3/6 SH lhe and then tried to make some more back by playing @ 10/20, haha. Oh man...those were bad times.

I had no confidence in my game and felt that what I needed was technical advice. When you approach this game, you should believe in yourself and find your own style. I always thought I wanted to be a super LAG but I realized, I'd rather not deal with that kind of variance. Make money the easy way or the hard way?

Also, my mindset was all wrong. I would play to get even, playing overly aggressive, wasn't adjusting appropriately to the tables, felt everyone was trying to make plays at me, oh, and I tilted : )

Everyone tilts, it's all about taking the appropriate actions to control it. When too many bad beats happen n such, I quickly finish up my rounds and take a 30min-1hr break where I'll take out my stress on a shooting video game, or watch a movie. I don't bother getting into personal fights over the internet or really taking shots personally. There are a few people who bug me but for the most part, it's all about playing good solid poker! No point in trying to overrun people who refuse to fold.

That said, I'm playing great poker and am not running too well!

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But it's ok! I'm really happy with how I'm playing. Very few spewage moments, for the most part, just good poker. I'm trying to get into my 9 hour schedule, but tonight I had to cut it short. The game just started to get depressing, I couldn't think too straight, wasn't tilting but I wasn't able to process the information correctly and when I noticed myself trying to bluff someone off, I realized it was quitting time!

I think I rambled a lot but I hope that helps somewhat. There's no point in being good at poker if you're going to play under non-profitable conditions while tilting away yummy monies......


Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Back to the Grind!

I had a pretty relaxing time away from poker. I went back home to SD for a week and a half, saw some friends, bought a car, played very very little poker, and just rested I guess. Oh I got fatter : / But March went well!

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This weekend was good tho! My friend came down and we went to Barona Casino and played some NL. Haha, I was there an hour before him and when he came to my table, I said: Nick, I will check-raise the sh** out of you so badly!

Less than 5 hands into the table, the following hand comes up:

1-3 NL, $300 stack sizes

Nick raises from MP, Random LP calls, I call with 88 from the SB.

8 A 10 - Mike Sexton: BINGO BANGO BONGO VINCE, MikeySong just flopped a set!

I check - Vince: Oh I like what he's doing here, setting the trap, covering it with twigs and leaves, Nick has no idea what's in it for him!

Nick bets $30, LP calls, "$100 MORE!", Nick goes into the tank, and then shoves, I call, LP folds and Nick shows A10 for top two pair. Turn n River blank and I stack my buddy from Irvine in less than 10 minutes, haha, I felt bad tho : )

The day was really profitable for me. I'm definitely going to work on my no limit game before the wsop. I think I missed some good value bets and misplayed a hand due to scared money (in short: we later jumped up to 2-5 and I didn't want to risk $1000 with Kings vs. a tricky player)
I ended the day +980, but really 920 as we flipped for $20s a few times while waiting for dinner. Doh!

Oh, while at the 1-3 table, we were talking about flipping, my friend mentioned he didn't want to become like Grimstar and then this one LAG to my direct left says, YOU'RE A 2p2ER?! to which another kid says, I'm a 2p2er as well! I play 2/4 NL! 4people out of 9 knew how to play NL and were probably better than me. It wasn't a hard to decision to pick up and take a break shortly after that conversation : )
I didn't have fun playing craps this time. I won but I just didn't have that much fun. I had a lot more fun flipping with my friends and I think I'll just stick to that rather than playing pit games, which I rarely do anyways.

Oh, I had a great hand on Saturday as well as a cooler. I was really bored Saturday so I went to Viejas to play some more no limit. The same LAGgy kid from Barona was at my table and within a few hands (recurring theme?), this came up.

1-3nl, $300 stack sizes

utg+1 limps, I raise Kd9d to $13 from CO, Laggy guy calls from BB and so does utg+1.
Flop: 5d 6c 7dcheck, check, I bet $30, Laggy craises to $80, utg+1 folds, and I pop it to $250.
Bam, we get it all in on the flop. Turn: 7, river: 5. My heart drops.
Dealer: show em!
Hahhaha, I didn't budge. I didn't want to flip over K high but then the Lag says, F*** I run so bad! Throws down 4,4 face up! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
I stacked someone with K high! WHoooooooooooooooooo!

The Cooler:I got tired later on and got up to cash out. As I'm walking out, I see this cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute Asian dealer. Woof. I stand there watching the 3/6 lhe game. We make eye contact, she smiles at me, my heart jumps a little, she's got a really great smile. It still makes me feel a little giddy. (Am I really a poker player?) So to my fortune, 3people have to leave cuz they're going to play a tourney. I sit down and being the smoooooooooooth talker I am, I finally muster the courage to speak and say:



It's ok. She was really really nice. Oh, and dude, she like, she deals right? But she doesn't play!!! She's not a degenerate!! HOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT.

So it's time for dealers to shift tables, and when the new guy sits down, I ask:Hey, is that dealer single?

Guy Dealer: Who? Kim?! *LAUGHS* No man, we got no chance! me: no?guy: She's got a boyfriend!


guy next to me: the important question is, does she have a boyfriend or is she married?


me: ya, is she?Dealer: she has a how long?Dealer: she's lived with him for a few years

*heart drops*

When the blinds came to me, I picked up and left! I left the guy dealer a $5 tip tho and said: PUT IN A GOOD WORD FOR ME :D

Mannnnnnnnnn, I was so excited too.

Goals for April:$20,000. 9 hours a day starting tomorrow April 4th, including weekends.Get in shape. Work up to 1 hour of running every other day.
Good luck everyone. Hope you all do well! Watch for a video from me soon :)
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