so my month results are actually quite embarrassing. Even if it may be a small sample, the fact that I'm wrecking 5/10 when i'm playing 3-6 tables vs 3/6 where I'm 9tabling means that obviously I am leaking too much money 9tabling. Not sure how or why but I am and that needs to be fixed starting...APRIL :D
I'm very very close to being a supernova. I'm going to continue 6? tabling 3/6 tomorrow and graduate to nova status. I really wish I could've 9tabled at a higher winrate and to be honest I really did feel like a winner but having a very low winrate over 60k hands, short sample size or not I know there were many spots where I either tilted or played bad, and thus I cannot ignore results, small sample size or not. And by the way, about 9k hands at 5/10nl, 31vpip, 7bb/100. Hmmmmm...I'm gonna poker ev my 5/10 results and see if I ran "bad" or not. I think the program is stupid fwiw although it still is fun to use :p It's just that, does it give u cooler points if u ran KK into AA? AK into KK? Stuff like that. Oh! The results are in.......Posting screen below........

My plan for april is to 6table 5/10 and focus on putting in 3k hands a day. I'll actually be gone for the first week as I'll be over in Boston from fri-sun and Foxwoods Casino from Mon to Sun. I think I'll be playing some 10/25 and hopefully I'll pull a nice session (crosses fingers for 10k+ week).
3k hands over 20 days = 60k hands...I'd like to shoot for my first 40k month. Screw the 20 or 30k, let's just jump to 40, but I'll never be happy until I hit 50k.
I'm a little bit discouraged to be honest becuase I really thought I was going to show a 3bb if not 4 or even 5bb/100 winrate at 3/6. I mean come on, I 6-9 tabled 2/4nl for the very first time. I jumped right into it on oct and nov. and according to pEV, yes the evil program, I ran bad! But I still won at 3.89bb/100 or something like that yet at 3/6...I cannot? wtf? I'm a much better player now than before, bleh. My biggest leak atm is I like to play too many hands in re-raised pots and I don't have the skill level yet to deal with every situation thrown at me. If 6tabling 5/10 goes well next month, it's off to 9tabling in May :p
But until then, I'm going to focus on every hand possible, think about the conceptual aspects of the game, work on adjusting properly and finding that thin line between spewing and betting/bluffing.
Air is the nuts
Below is a sick music vid imo
I'm very very close to being a supernova. I'm going to continue 6? tabling 3/6 tomorrow and graduate to nova status. I really wish I could've 9tabled at a higher winrate and to be honest I really did feel like a winner but having a very low winrate over 60k hands, short sample size or not I know there were many spots where I either tilted or played bad, and thus I cannot ignore results, small sample size or not. And by the way, about 9k hands at 5/10nl, 31vpip, 7bb/100. Hmmmmm...I'm gonna poker ev my 5/10 results and see if I ran "bad" or not. I think the program is stupid fwiw although it still is fun to use :p It's just that, does it give u cooler points if u ran KK into AA? AK into KK? Stuff like that. Oh! The results are in.......Posting screen below........

My plan for april is to 6table 5/10 and focus on putting in 3k hands a day. I'll actually be gone for the first week as I'll be over in Boston from fri-sun and Foxwoods Casino from Mon to Sun. I think I'll be playing some 10/25 and hopefully I'll pull a nice session (crosses fingers for 10k+ week).
3k hands over 20 days = 60k hands...I'd like to shoot for my first 40k month. Screw the 20 or 30k, let's just jump to 40, but I'll never be happy until I hit 50k.
I'm a little bit discouraged to be honest becuase I really thought I was going to show a 3bb if not 4 or even 5bb/100 winrate at 3/6. I mean come on, I 6-9 tabled 2/4nl for the very first time. I jumped right into it on oct and nov. and according to pEV, yes the evil program, I ran bad! But I still won at 3.89bb/100 or something like that yet at 3/6...I cannot? wtf? I'm a much better player now than before, bleh. My biggest leak atm is I like to play too many hands in re-raised pots and I don't have the skill level yet to deal with every situation thrown at me. If 6tabling 5/10 goes well next month, it's off to 9tabling in May :p
But until then, I'm going to focus on every hand possible, think about the conceptual aspects of the game, work on adjusting properly and finding that thin line between spewing and betting/bluffing.
Air is the nuts
Below is a sick music vid imo